college whatsapp status

college whatsapp status

college whatsapp status

Best college whatsapp status, latest 2015 college status for whatsapp, college whatsapp status for young boys and girl, top college whatsapp status in hindi

Don't do drugs kids. There's a time and place for everything. It's called college.


Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg = College Dropouts.


In college, I learned more by watching my drunk friends than I did in class.


I was thrown out of college for cheating on the metaphysics exam, I looked into the soul of the boy sitting next to me.


Right now, you might think popularity is everything. But just remember, you can`t put "popular" on a college or job application.


Rapper "2 Chainz" played college basketball, and graduated with a 4.0 GPA in 3 years at a 4 year school. Never judge a book by it's cover


President Barack Obama was known to be a marijuana smoker in his teen & college days. His nickname used to be "Barack Oganja."


Elementary school = 50 friends. Middle school = 30 friends. High school = 20 friends. College = 3 Real Friends.


Not drinking in college was the best decision ever!


School for 12 years, college for 4 years or more... then you work until you die. Great.


Dear colleges, Smart middle class white people need scholarships too. Sincerely, anonymous.


School for 12 years, college for 4 years... then you work until you die. Great.


Dear twin sister, I'll take your french final if you take my math final? Sincerely, college here we come!


Autocorrect is like that person who just graduated college and think they know everything.


College is thousands of dollars but pizza is only like ten so what is the obvious choice here


Taking awful cold medicine as a kid taught me how to take shots in college.


College is a place where some pursue learning and others learn pursuing.


Your college friends know who you are, but your high school friends know why.


College is the only time in which being poor and drunk is acceptable.


School for 12 years, college for 4 years, then you work until you die. Cool.


I really want to go to Penn State for college.


Bill Gates has enough money to send every single 18 year old in the country to a 4-year college.


42% of people who graduate from college never read another book.


Before college, I didn't know what I was doing with my I'm confident I have no idea what I'm doing.


Reading a book and having to re-read the same paragraph over and over because your mind is somewhere else.


No College Students or Graduates should be voting for anyone BUT Obama... Romney wants to DOUBLE the interest on student loans


2 Chainz played college basketball, graduated with a 4.0 GPA in 3 years at a 4 year school. Never Judge a book by it's cover!!!!


A telephone survey says that 51 percent of college students drink until they pass out at least once a month. The other 49 percent didn't answer the phone.

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